Wednesday 9 February 2011

Story Idea Two

Msn convo with Dayle about second idea:
Kayleigh Dean says
Idea#2 1890's edwardian/victorian era a time period with oil lamps and my detective discovers a lightbulb or the 'mystery item' we might say... 
the detective is trying to find what it is/does and his kitchen truns into a DIY laboratory of pots and pans in his kitchen
Dayle says
Wha- it triggers that?
Kayleigh Dean says
in the end im thinking something going wrong
the trigger would be a mystrious flash of light coming from a house across the street? finding the bulb in the gutter outside (dropped sample?)
Dayle says
It's got loads of depth to it like. Research into the clothing style of that period/how oil lamps work, how the vessel works and such, and all those kitchen goodies
definitely not heard of this idea.
Kayleigh Dean says
the kitchen laboratory is the new part... came up with it today trying to get the kithen involved in the story...
im looking into sherlock holmes for period and character inspiration and liking the film noir style...  
well thats my first idea coming together what

Looking back at this conversation I am unsure about the 'kitchen laboratory' seems like a mad scientist rather than detective... but Dale is right about the visual period potential this has but the story is pants! (kitchen laboratory! WTF!?) My story might simply have to be a crime scene in a kitchen as that would show off the detective character give him a reason for being in a kitchen that is less mundane and logical for a detective. The light bulb could come into the story by being a clue in the crime scene or maybe the murder weapon?

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